How Wakeupcoders™ Plays Game Changer Role In Software Development And Digital Marketing Industry ?
A best software development and its digital marketing industry is a common trend which has been boosted from few years may be from 2020 because of Covid 19 crisis. Everyone has got to know the importance and power of internet. The capability of internet is endless it can help you to connect with whole world with just one click. Everyone is having different expectations from the internet.
Some people are looking to increase work or business, some are looking for dating sites, On the other hand there might be some people who work with internet for research or world changing purposes. In which wakeupcoders™ team is one of them.
Wakeupcoders™ are the team of software engineers from India who loves to work for IT consulting, Digital Marketing Industry, Advance Learning related solutions, and also have participated their role in Software Development. This might sound the common things in throughout our daily life but wakeupcoders™ are doing all these things with a different way. That’s why wakeupcoders™ are having tagline as below.
Tagline: Let’s Think Beyond Everything.
This software engineers are having different style of working. Wakeupcoders™ team first analyze the first crucial steps for achieving a particular goal. Its like an army mission for this team. Once the first step for their work is completed. Team creates plan and exact estimate for the same. Also this includes the obstacles or challenges during the work accomplishments.
Once the work is completed, If there are any repeated work is there then team creates automation for the same, that is being carried out by the TIM (The Intelligent Macrobot). This is world’s first software based machine employee of wakeupcoders™ that handles such kind of stuff for them. Let’s see how the idea of creating wakeupcoders™ was originated.
How Wakeupcoders™ Was Started ?
It all started from Mumbai, India when the first wave of Covid 19 was started. At that time people were not much aware about the tech stuff like an internet. In other words people were not fully dependent on technology like internet. As the Covid 19 became aggressive, People started learning the other medium to stay connected with the Business, Shopping, Learning, Entertainment and many others, But many of them were not able to get started due to many reasons like financial, knowledge, backward background and others.
So to help in such scenario’s for people. Narayan Jha (CEO & Founder) with his team Amit Sinha (CTO), Simranjeet Singh (COO), Purnima Sinha (Creative Director), Anjali Jha(Marketing Head) created the foundation of Wakeupcoders and team started initiative as part of digital India so that in Covid 19 also India can become unstoppable. In this whole initiative Karan Borse also played really great role for providing the businesses from Mumbai and mentored the business tactics. Later on he became the founder of, Karan is serving the nation with his intense knowledge and network.
Wakeupcoders Team started creating websites for many small businesses of Mumbai like Khakhrawala, Eyard, Event Managers, Food Deliveries so that everyone can get their respective things which people want. In this way at that crisis time also businesses was not stopped. Team also helped many users to setup the online payment systems for those who were not much aware about these things.
As the time went on Wakeupcoders Team started growing worldwide and As per huge requests by the audience. Team started teaching the tech related stuff worldwide. So that new generation can be made ready to fight next Covid19 kind of stuff. Let’s see some of the great offerings by them.
Some Cool Offerings By Wakeupcoders™
Wakeupcoders Offers best services of Software Development, Digital Marketing, Internet of things, Artificial intelligence and many others. They work on latest technologies like React, Angular and Hybrid kind of applications. Wakeupcoders has made 80+ businesses successfully online with their technologies. They even helped those businesses to expand the worldwide.
Whatever Team do they love their work, so team has decided to support the education system of the country so that everyone can become capable to do the amazing technical stuff. Wakeupcoders started providing many free and paid educational training to students as per the capabilities by them. Team has taught almost 10,000+ students from worldwide which is a great number. This number is increasing day by day. Team even not stopped here, Team wrote two books.
- Amazon Web Services For Everyone
- Reinvent Yourself
Now, Let’s see how team is different from others.
What Makes Wakeupcoders™ From Others ?
Now let’s see how wakeupcoders are different from others and what are the things they have think beyond everything.
1. EZCart Product:
Team has spend enormous time to work on the EZCart product. Its a ecommerce based product which can be used in any kind of shops. The great functionality of this product is, It can be connected with any kind of third party apps and custom business solution can be developed. Blockchain integration is part of its future plan, Also accepting the crypto payments from this product will be possible so its going to be amazing ecommerce application for shopkeepers. checkout the product page.
2. Book on Amazon Web Services:
Team has shown their expertise by writing a book on Amazon Web Service. Its completely based on cloud computing. whoever is interested to learn the cloud computing this book is amazing way to get started with it. check out the link for the same. click here to checkout book.
3. CodersCare Fund:
CodersCare is a fund that is being created so that it can be used to support all those people who can’t afford their business starting process, education and other supports. The support is provided to all those people who deserves the support. click here to know more about coderscare.
4. World’s First Software Machine Employee:
TIM (The Intelligent Macrobot): This is a smart bot which is being created to manage all the automations of wakeupcoders. It works as a manager for this startup. So its the world’s first software based employee of this startup. Alot of its feature is still in development phase but its working as a supporting piller for wakeupcoders team.
5. Project GrocerHut
Grocerhut is a grocery delivery project created by wakeupcoders. Its actually submodel of EZCart project, Using this product they started serving the local areas with grocery.
How to connect with wakeupcoders™ team ?
If you also think you are able to think beyond everything, You want to do amazing stuff like wakeupcoders team, Its easy to connect with them, Team is always helpful and ready for any kind of collaboration. below are the content link of wakeupcoders for more information we can visit :
Contact Wakeupcoders:
Hope you loved this story of wakeupcoders team❣❣