Introduction to the world of cloud computing

Cloud computing is used to provide all the IT resources over the internet with affordable prices. before we used to buy the servers and data centers but now Instead of buying, owning, and maintaining physical data centers and servers, you can access technology services, such as computing power, storage, and databases, on an as-needed basis from a cloud provider like Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Types of cloud computing?

We have usually three main types of cloud computing that is Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Service, and Software as a Service. Each type of cloud computing provides different levels of flexibility, control, and management so that you can select the right set of services for your needs. this is what we called cloud computing stack because they build one over another.

1. Infrastructure as a Service

Infrastructure as a service(IaaS) is a type of cloud computing with the help of which you are provided with virtualized computing services over the internet. In IaaS they provide hosted hardware, software, storage, servers, and other components of infrastructure according to the requirements. the benefits of using IaaS is it offers highly scalable resources that will give on-demand changes as your work requirements, you can increase the storage or servers, etc. features of IaaS include desktop virtualization, dynamic scaling, and automation of administrative tasks, etc. it is suitable for if your work is temporary, or any experimental work you are doing. two main network services provided by public cloud providers are load balancing and DNS.

2. Platform as a Service

Platform as a service is a type of cloud computing which provide application over the internet. In this model, they provide hardware and software tools which is usually needed for application development purposes. the PaaS provider hosts your application on their infrastructure so you don't need to install hardware or software personally in your place. PaaS providers support all kind of underlying application and software, you just need to login and start using their services through your web browser, they will charge for that particular access on a monthly basis. Features of PaaS are security, Integration with other infrastructure, multi-tenancy, build and deployment tools, etc.

3. Software as a Service

Software as a service is software distribution in which software is hosted by the providers and made available for the customers over the internet. these applications are usually called as web-based software, hosted software, and on-demand software. you can access SaaS application through a web browser. organizations can integrate SaaS applications with other software using APIs. for example gmail, messaging softwares etc.

who is using cloud computing?

who use cloud computing

Almost all companies of every size, type, and industry are using cloud computing nowadays. even if you are using Gmail then you are using cloud computing. cloud computing is no longer a trend now it is becoming a stated fact, even the government is shifting to cloud computing for various reason. Industries are using cloud computing for a variety of use cases such as data backup, virtual desktops, email, software development and testing, big data analytics, and customer-facing web applications. for example, video game makers are using the cloud to deliver online games to millions of gamers in the world. healthcare companies are using the cloud to develop more personalized treatments for patients and many more.

Benefits of cloud computing

benefits of cloud computing

Here is a list of benefits of cloud computing if you are thinking to adopt cloud computing:

Efficiency/cost reduction


If you are using cloud infrastructure then you no need to spend a huge amount of money in purchasing and maintaining equipment. you don't need to invest in hardware facilities or building a large data center for growing your business. you don't need a big IT team to manage your data, you can enjoy the services provided by cloud computing providers staff.

the best thing is it will reduce the cost of downtime, so no need to spend time and money in fixing the issues related to downtime.



the cloud-based solution is best for businesses with growing and fluctuating bandwidth demands. if your business requires an increase, then you can easily increase the cloud storage without investing in physical infrastructure. scalability reduces the risk of operational issues and maintenance. you have high-performance resources at your disposal with the best solutions with zero investments.

Data Security

data security

one of the main concerns of every business or any size of the industry is the security of their data. the cloud offers an advanced security feature that their data is securely stored and handled. such as authentication, access control, and encryption, etc.

Deploy globally in a minute


If you want to expand to the new places you can deploy globally in a minute. with the help of cloud infrastructure all over the world, you can deploy your application in multiple physical locations according to your requirement.

How it is impacting the industry?

cloud memory

earlier times companies used to buy infrastructure which was capable enough to cost money, but now due to cloud computing, it is saving lots of money from companies. now companies don’t need to buy and install heavy servers systems and other infrastructures.

Businesses are now using data from the social media platform and cloud-based information to get a better vision of innovation and customer requirements. cloud technology impacting our world on many levels such as health, education finance, etc . cloud technology is giving a digital platform for shaping strategy and guiding our next generation enterprises how to migrate and participate in the ecosystem.



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