What is DynamoDB and how to use DynamoDB?
Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service with smooth optimization, providing instant and predictable performance. DynamoDB lets you unload the organizational responsibility of managing and scaling a distributed database to prevent thinking about hardware provisioning, setup, and tuning, replication, program patching, or cluster scaling. DynamoDB also provides resting protection, removing the technical stress, and difficulty inherent with securing sensitive data. Using DynamoDB, you can construct database tables that can store and access any amount of data and handle any volume of traffic on request. You can raise or scale the capacitance of your tables.
Hundreds of thousands of AWS customers have picked DynamoDB as their key-value and data storage for smartphones, cloud, gaming, ad tech, IoT, and other applications that require access to low latency data at any size. Build a new table for your query, and let the rest be done by DynamoDB.
So in this blog, we are going to learn how to create a table in DynamoDB. let’s start this tutorial:
Step 1: Firstly login to the AWS console, and go to the service part and go to the database part and select DynamoDB, as shown in the below image.
Step 2: After you will select your DynamoDB than your DynamoDB dashboard will open and click on the Create Table option.
Step 3: After this fill the details as shown in the below image, as DynamoDB is a NoSQL based Database so you just have to give your table name and column name.
Step 4: If you will uncheck the below-marked use default settings option then you can see you can add an index and you can increase and decrease the write an read capacity and you can the cost also as shown in the below image.
Step 5: But for now we are going to check that use default setting option as we are not going to do any custom settings and after that click on the create button as marked in the below image.
Step 6: Now you can see your table on the left side and on the right side the table details and on the top all the options like overview, items to add the items, metrics to check graphical view, the capacity to increase and decrease the read and write capacity like this so many options are there.
step 7: now we have to add items to your table so click on the items options as shown in the below image and click on the create item option.
Step 8: As you know the DynamoDB store data in the JSON format, ao below option you can see you have to add data in the JSON format and click on the + sign to add more columns.
Step 9: when you click on the + option you have options append, insert remove, etc, so click on append and then click on string option.
Step 10: After adding the columns and the value of the column click on the save button.
Step 11: you can see in the below image you item is added, we add some more item and we will see how to add filters.
Step 12: After that click on add filter as you can see in the below image.
Step 13: Type the column name and the value which you want to search and click on the Start search option.
Step 14: In the below image we showed you how the metrics options look like, similarly you can explore all the options given there one by one.
So this is how we create table in DyamoDB and how to add items in that. You can explore it more and connect with other services to get a proper application using DynamoDB.
Hope you liked this !!!!!!
Happy Coding!!!!!